Analytical Essay Examples to Score Well in Academics

While in high school or college, you can be sure to write an analytical essay in several instances. It is among the crucial academic assignments teachers give to assess the understanding level of students on specific concepts. Above all, the analytical essay prepares students with analytical skills they can apply in life after school. While the process of writing an analytical essay is almost the same, Students must have adequate skills and knowledge to bring out a presentable analytical essay.

The moment you get such a task, be sure to check several analytical essay examples to help you throughout the writing process as you avoid some basic mistakes. This article features an analytical essay example in each category to give you a glimpse of the approach to take once you have a topic.

Before we can explore an analytical essay example sample in different categories, let’s first understand the concepts below:

What is analytical essay example?

An analysis essay is all about detailed information on a given topic or subject matter. The writer has to conduct research on an analytical topic, then write the essay with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a summed-up conclusion. Therefore, an example of analytical essay is like a guide that shows the reader the process to follow once they have an analytical essay topic.

What kind of essay is an analytical essay?

Any essay that requires the writer to do an analysis, then presents a claim or argument on the same topic is an analytical essay. Some students confuse the art of writing an analytical essay with summarizing a concept. Well, an analytical essay isn’t a summary of a given topic but focuses on how a given subject or concept was written.

Analytical essay sample

By declaring that Phillis Wheatley “launched two traditions at once – the black American literary tradition and the black woman’s literary tradition,” Henry Loius Gates infers that there is thematic continuity between Wheatley’s poetic writings and the writings of other black Americans and black women. In general terms, he suggests that Wheatley’s thematic engagement involves some self-identification as a black American and a black woman, or, if not self-identification, at least some clear acknowledgment of the status of these groups.

Although Wheatley wrote before the American Civil War, before the civil rights and women’s movements that helped to solidify the black American literary tradition and the black woman’s literary tradition with the work of writers such as W.E.B. DuBois, Zora Neale Hurston, and Toni Morrison, to name but a few, the experimentation with form and language in Wheatley’s poetry shows that she was keenly aware and highly critical of the way that, because of social hypocrisies and prejudices, race and gender defined her experiences. The sharpness of her social criticism, apparent in two of her major poems, “On Being Brought from Africa to America,” and “To His Excellency General Washington,” justifies Gates’ argument about Wheatley’s role as founder of the black American’s and black woman’s literary traditions.

As “On Being Brought from Africa to America” must remind any reader, Phillis Wheatley was a slave for most of her live and she wrote most of her poetry in slavery. The immediate subject of the poem is how she was brought into slavery: she was taken from Africa, her “Pagan land” (1) and she was converted to Christianity. Wheatley’s treatment of this experience, though, is not simply based on a recounting of it. Her language and form emphasize the hypocrisy of the white, Americans who sanctioned and maintained her slavery in the first place, while also proclaiming themselves to be Christians. The opening of the poem, “’Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land” (1) employs a somewhat formal and archaic contraction, “‘Twas,” but it also suggests that the poem is a narrative, telling a story, as, indeed, it does on two levels. Saying that it was “mercy” (1) that bought about her removal from Africa, however, clearly invites irony. Wheatley’s readers were certainly aware that the circumstances of slavery and the conditions in which people were brought from African are far from consistent with any notion of mercy. Certainly, they are not consistent with the idea of Christian mercy. Wheatley emphasizes the hypocrisy of the Christians responsible for her removal, though, by using the adjective “Pagan” (1) to describe her land and to capitalizing it, which provides further emphasis. The verb “brought” (1) also echoes the verb, bought, which suggests the transactional context of Wheatley’s removal, the commercial issues that were at the heart of slavery. The verb “[t]aught” (2) opening the second line implies that there was an educational purpose behind Wheatley’s removal from Africa. Taught implies teaching, education, and the positive development of an individual. However, there is a second idea that emerges from the verb and its sound, especially. Taught implies the condition of restraints and echoes a common image of slavery. Wheatley’s description of her soul as “benighted” (2) resonates the same irony as her use of mercy in line one. The word indicates a state of ignorance, which Wheatley, as a Christian, appears to genuinely accept. However, the notion of her soul as pitiful or weak is ironic because she has endured slavery and, in recognizing the hypocrisy of white Americans, she indicates that she is capable of a higher spirituality. She understands “[t]hat there’s a God, that there’s a Saviour, too” (3) and in doing so, she understands the lessons that she was taught. She recognizes a truth and she recognizes the truth despite having come from a “Pagan land” (1). The colon at the end of line two also constructs an explanatory connection between line three and four. In line four, she acknowledges that she recognized Christian truth despite her past, when “[o]nce I redemption neither sought nor knew” (4). She also suggests again, though, that she was brought from her homeland against her will and she was made a Christian because the word “redemption” (4), while it carries obvious religious connotations, is ironic; its second application within this sentence pertains to Wheatley’s experience of slavery. Structurally, the poem moves into its second phase at the end of line four, too. The end-stop with a period marks the end of the first portion, concentrated on Wheatley’s discovery of true Christianity in parallel to her experience of slavery. The second phase of the poem exposes the attitudes of white Americans towards African Americans and is the point at which Wheatley’s voice, as a black American writer and a black American woman, extends beyond the frame of her own experience to express the condition of black Americans and black women as collectives. The determiner, “some” (5) in relation to “people” (5) behaves as a limiting and somewhat alienating term, but this effect is mimetic of the idea expressed, that those with darker skin, the “sable” race, are treated “with scornful eye” (5), the focus on “eye” suggesting the way in which they are viewed as other and creating a literalness within the poem’s language, picking up on the “view” earlier in the line as both a verb, as it is syntactically in the line, and a noun. Also interesting is the way that “eye” necessitates a dismemberment of the body of the “some,” which really anticipates the way in which the African American body is considered in later texts considered central to the African American literary tradition, such as Morrison’s Beloved. This line also concentrates attention on grammar, on syntax, which is vital to the interpretation of the final two lines; in a way, it primes the reader to be conscious to grammatical order. The quoted “Their color is diabolical die” (6) draws out the meaning of “view” as opinion but also performs that judgment, showing the scornful “eye” and the scornful statements both. The final two lines, another rhymed couplet, can be read as advising Christians that Negros “black as Cain” (7) should still be treated kindly, considered capable of redemption. The alternative read, however, situates the addressees as “Negros” (7) and suggests that Wheatley reminds them to remember that Christians, “black as Cain” in a metaphorical sense, should still be forgiven. The critical tone and indeed the semantics of both of these interpretations strongly affirm Wheatley’s effort to condemn the abuse of “Negros” and establish her as at least one of the first African American writers to write and publish work that does just this.

Wheatley’s poem, written to “His Excellency General Washington” also affirms her place as the founder of the black American and black women writers traditions. Although the poem is praiseful, appearing to celebrate the triumph of George Washington as a military and political leader in the outcome of the American Revolutionary War, like all such poems written in praise it is a subtle argument for the need and opportunity for an individual, already praiseworthy, to further improve themselves and benefit those around them. Wheatley’s knowledge of classical literature allows that each and every one of her classical allusions has profound significance and when she refers to “[c]elestial choir!” (2) and also to “Columbia’s scenes of glorious toil I write” (2), the focus is not only upon the representation of America’s triumph but upon something of an ironic allusion that is in itself a basis for criticism. Columbia is a figure throughout the poem that clearly represents the fledgling nature of the United States. Wheatley suggests, though, specifically that other nations are looking to the United States, they “gaze at scenes before unknown” (6) and that, although America has just triumphed against the British, what they have yet to do effectively is make the most of these “[u]nnumber’d charms and recent grace rise” (10). Wheatley’s approach is to praise Washington in the poem as a kind of demi-god, but also then to suggest that he needs to  work to be a better “guardian” to African Americans, he needed to condemn in a negative fashion. She invites reformation building on the goodness that is already apparent in Washington but she suggests that it also needs to happen to continue on a process of development to reach its potential.

Although Wheatley was writing very early in the American literary tradition and she is sometimes dismissed as an obscure writer, Henry Louis Gates was, it seems, justified in his statement about her. She offered the first black American and black female poetic voices to American readers and the world. She wrote not only about her own experiences as a black woman and a slave in America, exploring the inhumanity of slavery and her treatment at the hands of those who professed themselves superior and devout. She also examined the wider social conditions in the poetry and used texts like her address to Washington to work out some of the hypocrisies but also invite improvement, advocating for the better treatment of black Americans.

What are the different examples of the analytical essay?

These examples are simply detailed information showing students how to write different analytical essays. The examples below are presented in relation to different types of an analytical essays.

Note: whenever writing any analytical essay, it is significant to create an analytical essay outline to ensure you include all relevant concepts in the final writing.

1. Rhetorical Analysis Essay

This essay type evaluates how the author has written a context. As a writer, you have to use effective and persuasive approaches to dig deep into the topic. So, a writer or rather a student gets a piece of writing, does research, and interprets the writing in general. 

Be sure to review a rhetorical analytical essay introduction example to get a clue of how to begin such an essay and to ensure you give your paper a meaningful flow.

2. Literary Analysis Essay

This essay type focuses mainly on literature and studies in a detailed manner. The purpose of this essay is to explain the key elements of the subject matter and their relationship.

3. Critical Analysis Essay

This for of analytical essay requires the student o write to have an art, a piece of writing, or a movie, then form an argument out of it. This implies that the writer must analyze the original creator’s argument well before forming a claim. Take note of the approaches used by the author to persuade the audience before forming a claim.

4. Poetry Analysis Essay

This essay type is simple. It analyzes a given poem. The student or the writer gets a poem, evaluates the content, significance, and structure, then writes a constructive essay out of it. In most instances, this essay is for students undertaking language or literature.

5. Character Analysis Essay

The character essay type focuses on both non-fictional and fictional characters deeply to establish their role in a story or play. Since famous characters who are common in most literature and films maintain a powerful role, the writer should give a detailed analysis of such characters to give the reader all the details.

6. Process Analysis Essay

This essay simply describes a detailed process of doing something. So, a writer must understand what step follows the other to ensure the reader doesn’t get confused along the way. When tasked with a process analysis essay, be sure to use the usual outline, including the introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Remember to check an analytical essay thesis example to give your paper a strong statement.


Essay writing is among the top academic assignments that have been there for ages. Students, especially those in high school, colleges, and universities, should equip themselves with knowledge on different essays.

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